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Update faculty on clerkship and student performance Review Match results for students in Surgery Discuss mentoring and advising skill enhancement

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FSU-Ft Pierce

Participants will discuss: 1) Student performance, match results and faculty evaluations 2) Curriculum changes and 3) Promotions and other issues.

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FSU-Ft Pierce

At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) DISCUSS the background and necessity for the new evaluation system; 2) BE FAMILIAR with filling out the form; 3) DISCUSS

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At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) DISCUSS proposed COM curriculum changes and the resultant impact on the Surgery curriculum; 2) DISCUSS what is the new process

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FSU-Ft Pierce

At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) DISCUSS proposed COM curriculum changes and the resultant impact on the Surgery Curriculum; 2) DISCUSS what is the new process

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At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) DISCUSS proposed COM curriculum changes and the resultant impact on the Surgery Curriculum; 2) DESCRIBE what is the new process

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1. Discussion of Surgery Clerkship Week curriculum 2. Update on Student Performance 3. Surgery and the D3 Schedule 4. Explore projected changes to Syllabus and Clerkship Requirements 5. Discussion of

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At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) DISCUSS Surgery Clerkship Week curriculum; 2) UPDATE Student Performance 3) DISCUSS Surgery and the D3 Schedule; 4) EXPLORE projected changes

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1. Discuss the Surgery Clerkship Curriculum 2. Discuss update on Student Performance 3. Discuss Surgery D3 Presentations 4. Review the Current Syllabus and Clerkship Requirements 5. Discuss the Flex Time

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At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) DISCUSS the Surgery Clerkship Curriculum; 2) PROVIDE and update on Student Performance; 3) DISCUSS Surgery D3 Presentations; 4) REVIEW the

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