1. The learner will review the Psychiatric Clerkship general overview and learning objectives. 2. The learner will be aware of required clinical encounters and level of participation during the Psychiatric
1. The learner will review the Psychiatric Clerkship general overview and learning objectives. 2. The learner will be aware of required clinical encounters and level of participation during the Psychiatric
Learning Objectives. Participants will learn to: – Identify the subscription medical apps available – Identify the mobile friendly library subscription resources available thru the mobile friendly library site – Register
1. Understand how grades are assigned and appreciate the consistency across campuses and the success of the clerkship in preparing students. 2. AY 2022-2023 Course Evaluations by Campus 3. PA
1. Make certain all student requirements for the course are known to faculty to guide them in achieving them. 2. Help faculty understand how students are doing in the course