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November 8, 2024 @ 3:00 am - 5:00 pm CST
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Florida Combined Otolaryngology Meeting 2024 – Connecting Radiology to Clinical Decision Making: Beginner & Advanced


This session will include transdisciplinary cases for the hearing healthcare provider. Target Audience This course is designed for physician assistants, nurse practitioners, physicians, residents, medical students, and audiologists. Description: The comprehensive evaluation of auditory and vestibular disorders requires the combined efforts of different disciplines using diagnostic modalities, including radiographic imaging and audiological assessment. Transdisciplinary collaborative care of patients can be improved through a working knowledge of the indications, study types, and clinical correlations for radiographic imaging studies and how these studies correlate with audiological testing. This session will provide hearing healthcare providers with a transdisciplinary case-based approach to discuss relevant anatomy and pathology of the auditory and vestibular systems on MRI and CT scan radiographic studies and how the pathology manifests clinically and audiologically. The presenters will discuss indications for different studies and the integration of study results into team-based comprehensive care for patients. Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to: 1. Upon completion of this presentation participants will be able to understand the purpose, process, and indications of different radiographic imaging modalities 2. Upon completion of this presentation participants will be able to recognize relevant anatomy of the auditory and vestibular systems through radiographic imaging modalities. 3. Upon completion of this presentation participants will be able to identify appropriate imaging studies that are involved in the evaluation and management of diseases affecting the auditory and vestibular systems and how those studies correlate with audiological and clinical findings.
The Boca Raton, FL
Matthew Bush
  • 2 AMA

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