As a result of participating in this workshop, participants should: Knowledge • Recognize when and why a patient education handout would be needed. • Name several subscription web services from
As a result of participating in this workshop, participants should: Knowledge • Recognize when and why a patient education handout would be needed. • Name several subscription web services from
As a result of participating in this workshop, participants should: Knowledge • Recognize when and why a patient education handout would be needed. • Name several subscription web services from
At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) RECOGNIZE when and why a patient education handout would be needed; 2) NAME several subscription web services from which the
At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) RECOGNIZE when and why a patient education handout would be needed; 2) IDENTIFY reliable patient education sites online that contain
As a result of participating in this workshop, participants should be able to: 1) RECOGNIZE when and why a patient education handout would be needed; 2) IDENTIFY reliable patient education
At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1)RECOGNIZE when and why a patient education handout would be needed; 2)IDENTIFY reliable patient education sites online that contain handouts and
At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) RECOGNIZE when and why patient education materials would be needed; 2) IDENTIFY reliable patient education sites online; 3) LOCATE a
At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) RECOGNIZE when and why patient education materials would be needed; 2) IDENTIFY reliable patient education sites online; 3) LOCATE a
This workshop will provide participants with a hands-on learning experience. Participants will learn about finding e-resources on the library web page that provide information for patient education. Participant Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: 1) TEACH medical students to educate patients; 2) RECOGNIZE when and why a patient education materials would be needed; 3) IDENTIFY