• Describe unique features of the FSU College of Medicine (COM) curriculum. • Locate and review syllabi for clerkships on the COM website. • Identify characteristics of effective clinical teachers.
• Describe unique features of the FSU College of Medicine (COM) curriculum. • Locate and review syllabi for clerkships on the COM website. • Identify characteristics of effective clinical teachers.
Join Zoom Meeting https://fsu.zoom.us/j/97060834624 Meeting ID: 970 6083 4624 Find your local number: https://fsu.zoom.us/u/ayx9UcloX OBJECTIVES • Describe unique features of the FSU College of Medicine (COM) curriculum. • Locate and
Speaker: Joan Meek, MD, MS, FAAP At the conclusion, the participant should be able to: • DESCRIBE unique features of the FSU College of Medicine (COM) curriculum; • LOCATE and