FSU-Daytona Beach
Be able to discuss and be aware of new changes to the 3rd and 4th year Syllabi. Review the importance of Mid-clerkship feedback. Discuss any issues with
Be able to discuss and be aware of new changes to the 3rd and 4th year Syllabi. Review the importance of Mid-clerkship feedback. Discuss any issues with
Discussion of upcoming M3/M4 syllabi changes Concentrated Academics Alternative educational experiences Students with FM interest Open discussion • Participants will understand the changes to the M3/M4 syllabi. • Participants will
Learning Objectives/References. Participants will learn to: 1. Participants will understand the changes to the M3/M4 syllabi. 2. Participants will understand the alternative educational experiences available for students on the FM
Zoom Family Medicine Education Director Meeting Monday June 8 6PM RSVP Requested Discussion of upcoming M3/M4 syllabi changes Concentrated Academics Alternative educational experiences Students with FM interest Open discussion •
• Participants will understand the changes to the M3/M4 syllabi. • Participants will understand the alternative educational experiences available for students on the FM Clerkship. • Participants will have a