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Access and navigate FSU Med Library Locate a E-Book or E Journal Use drug & decision support resource Locate patient education handout material Locate mobile resources Identify pathways to get

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1. Access and navigate the Maguire Medical Library web site 2. Request assistance from the medical library team 3. Access drug and EBM resources 4. Locate patient education handouts and

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Identify medical apps provided by the Maguire Library and select what you want Identify the resources available in mobile format on the mobile library site Register for and install apps

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 Identify the subscription medical apps available  Identify the mobile friendly library subscription resources available thru the mobile friendly library site  Register and install subscription medical apps 

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Participants should be able to: 1. Access the library web site from off campus on computers and mobile devices. 2. Systematically navigate the e-library in order to locate and browse

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Identify: Subscription medical apps available, Mobile Friendly library subscriptions resources Register & install subscription medical apps free & in inexpensive medical apps Use Basic navigation tools of Primary apps Help

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