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July 26, 2012 @ 6:00 am CDT
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Competency Based Assessment of Students in the Clinical Setting

At the conclusion, the participant should be able to:

1) ACCESS the competency based assessment form electronically; 2) DEFINE important terms (e.g.milestones associated with the assessment form; 3) DESCRIBE how to determine whether or not to indicate on the form that a students has demonstrated the ability to warrant a check in the box preceding each of the milestones deliniated under each assessment category; 4) DESCRIBE strategies for writing meaningful narrative comments in the text boxes provided on the assessment form; 5) DESCRIBE strategies for conducting the mid-clerkship feedback/evaluation session with the student so that the student is clear as to his/her progress relative to the milestones on the assessment form and in addition is able to develop some goals and action plans for working toward teh accomplishment of specified milestones; 6) DESCRIBE strategies for conducting the end-of-clerkship evaluation so that the student leaves the clerkship having a good idea of how he/she did relative to the accomplishment of milestones. Questions and answers will allow for audience participation.
Pensacola Regional Campus
FSU College of Medicine
  • 2 AMA

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