FSU-Ft. Pierce
Education Director Meeting with Pediatrics Faculty
1. The participant will discuss the Pediatric Clerkship Required assignment.
2. The participant will discuss comparability of education and assessment across campuses. (LCME Standard 8)
3. The participant will discuss the students’ clerkship assessment feedback survey results for 2018-2019 and utilize feedback for program review and revision. (LCME Standard 8)
4. The participant will discuss the integration of the PA students. (LCME Standard 6)
5. The participant will discuss the minimum patient encounters required for the Pediatric Clerkship. (LCME Standard 6)
6. The participant will discuss the Pediatric Clerkship Required Visit Types, Screenings and Problems. (LCME Standard 6)
7. The participant will discuss the levels of participation in patient care. (LCME Standard 6)
8. The participant will become familiar with the Pediatric Clerkship Orientation Video
9. The participant will be invited to discuss Jenssen, B., Walley, S., & Section on Tobacco Control (2019). E-Cigarettes and Similar Devices, Pediatrics 143(2) (http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/143/2/e20183652)